1874 - 1876 - Renovations – the towers are added


Late press reports commented that Samuel Bennett spent as much on the external appearance of the house and on landscaping as Dickson did on building it.

We have not located an image of the house before the Bennetts’ additions, but the 1866 sub-division survey plan prepared for Dr Dickson when he was attempting to sell the property (shown earlier), is useful here in that it includes a rough plan of the house as it remained up until the additions and extensions made by the Bennetts.

Overlaying a plan of the house as it appeared in a PWD plan of 1888 (shown below in purple), makes it clear that terraces surrounded by parapets of stone balustrades and rails were added at the front and on the northern side, and that the castellated towers and the walkways, with their gothic colonnades linking the towers to the porch at the main entrance, were part of these later additions. Hence the subsequent re-naming of the house/estate to include the word Towers.