February 15, 1885 - Arrive in Honolulu

The voyage from Auckland to Honolulu included a detour to Samoa (then called the Navigator Islands) in order that a passenger be deposited on the island of Tutuila (Emily spells it as Tutuela)

Emily refers to the Sandwich Islands, which was the name given to the Hawaiian Islands by James Cook in 1778, and which was gradually being replaced. At the time of their voyage the Kingdom of Hawaii was a sovereign state, made up of the islands of Hawaii, Oahu, Maui, Molokai and Lanai, with the capital in Honolulu. (It wasn’t until 1898 that Hawaii became a state of the United States of America).

Emily mentions their carriage tour, which included driving past the palaces of the Dowager Queen Emma and Queen Ruth, the King’s palace as well as his summer residence. Emily also provides descriptions of many other notable buildings and sights. (Refer p. 5-6)

The King’s Palace, Iolani. Source Library of Congress
Princess Ruth’s Palace. Source Images of Old Hawaii – Royal Residences